It seems complicated, and it requires dedication, motivation, studying, working on oneself, and a sense of belonging to a community called the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA).
Along your long and interesting path, you’ll encounter the following steps:
You have a desire? You have been studying? You have been reading? You have been asking questions? You are curious? Your inner voice is telling you that this is the right thing? You have graduated from the School of Medicine, Psychology, or some other related profession? You have found our website? That’s enough.

Send an email to the PSS Training Secretary expressing your interest in our education or your desire to begin the education for psychoanalysts and attach your CV.
Be patient.
The Training Committee will be sure to send you a reply, immediately after their first following meeting.

After taking your CV and letter of interest under their consideration, the Training Committee will appoint a panel composed of the PSS training analysts. You will be provided their email addresses and asked to personally contact each one of them.
Each of the members will conduct a separate interview with you and deliver their opinion to the Training Committee. Based on your application and opinions of your evaluators, the Training Committee will then reach a decision of which you will be informed. If the decision is positive, you will be offered to choose from the list of training analysts the one with whom you wish to start your personal analysis.
In case of a negative decision by the Training Committee, do not take this rejection as something permanent or tragic. It was only an instance when you had been evaluated, nothing else. You may reapply after 18 months.

After you have chosen your own analyst, made your first appointment with him or her, established the rules of the setting, you enter the first year of your personal analysis. During that year, you do not take theoretical seminars, you do not attend meetings of the PSS candidates or the meetings of the PSS candidates with the Training Committee.
Personal analysis takes a minimum of five years and runs parallel to other educational activities.
The rules prescribe that the first year is dedicated exclusively to your analysis. The analysis will take place four times a week, as agreed with your analyst.
While you are in this status, you are called an applicant.

The first year of your personal analysis is completed. The Training Committee will let you know about the theoretical seminars. You will be given the Rules of Training, Candidate Index, and the opportunity to participate in candidate activities as well as in professional-scientific activities of PSS.
You now have access to the PSS library, professional conferences, and congresses of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF) and the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) at reduced fees. You can also subscribe to electronic databases of psychoanalytic literature (PEP), International Journal of Psychoanalysis, as well as the European Psychoanalytical Federation Bulletin (EPF Bulletin).
Aside from these benefits, there are additional ones as set forth in the PSS Rules of Training.
Theoretical seminars are divided into the mandatory and optional ones.
- There are nine mandatory seminars in total, eight regular ones, and one elective, out of two that are offered.
- The optional seminars are organized at the suggestion of the Training Analysts Counsel and the Training Committee.
Besides the theoretical seminars, there are also mandatory technical seminars: a group supervision with case presentation in the duration of two years and a theoretical-technical seminar in the duration of six months.
You can look up the list of seminars here.

Upon completing at least two theoretical seminars, you are eligible to apply for your first supervision. This means that, after your evaluation by two independent training analysts and a confirmation that you are ready, you may choose a supervisor from the list of training analysts and start work with your first client on the couch.

A year after beginning your first supervision, you are eligible to apply for your second supervision. The process of obtaining consent is identical to the first one.
You now choose another supervisor from the ranks of training analysts.
Each supervision lasts two years.

After you have completed your personal analysis, after you have successfully learned all that was offered in the theoretical and technical seminars, after you have completed two supervisions, and have been active and participated regularly in the PSS scientific gatherings, you may now submit your application for membership to the Training Secretary.
The Training Committee will appoint a panel of three training analysts before whom you will present your analytical work. If you pass, a report is then sent to the PSS Executive Board, which decides on acceptance of a new member.
The entire Society is informed about your new status, and you introduce yourself to the PSS Assembly at the first following meeting.

You are now a member of the Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia and the International Psychoanalytic Association; you will be mailed your IPA Certificate, which is recognized everywhere in the world.
You are also a member of the European Psychoanalytical Federation.
You can work independently, without further supervision.

There are many possibilities and activities that come with the membership. Among of the best ones, which is available to you immediately after becoming a member, is the Seminar for new members which is organized by EPF every year.
There are also participations in our and international summer schools and seminars, congresses, and leading theoretical seminars…
Numerous opportunities for growth and advancement are waiting for you.

Paul Klee: “Static-Dynamic Gradation,” combined technique, 1923..
Theoretical Seminars:
1. S. Freud I
2. S. Freud II
3. Theory of Technique I
4. Theory of Technique II
5. Sexuality and Aggressiveness
6. Psychoanalytic Theories of Development
7. Psychoanalytic Perspectives on the Theory of Trauma
9. Psychopathology
Elective Seminars:
1. Basic Concepts of the Theory of M. Klein and Their Clinical Understanding
2. D. W. Winnicott
Technical Seminars:
1. Initial Psychoanalytic Interview (theoretical-technical seminar)
2. Group Supervision