It is our pleasure to invite you to the 6th Summer School of Psychoanalysis, organized by the Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia in cooperation with the European Psychoanalytical Federation, titled:
Metamorphoses of Love: Psychoanalytical Perspective
In his famous essay where he was exploring the possibilities for human happiness, Freud wrote: “We are never so defenseless agains suffering as when we love.” However, there are very few people who would voluntarily give up love which only speaks to its deeply, perennially enigmatic nature. In the course of this School, our intention is to follow the beginnings and metamorphoses of love, from the prenatal period through early childhood and adolescence, to love in mature adulthood. We will examine parental functions in love as well as its connection with intimacy, sexuality, and grieving; we will also talk about the characteristics of love in the present day otherwise known as “post-human” age, about love and hate in the psychoanalytic setting, and about love for the profession of a psychoanalyst.
We invite you to join us in exploration of this important topic through lectures, case study presentations, discussion and supervised groups.
Summer School Dates and Location:
September 18 – 22, 2019
Hotel Divčibare
Surrounded by a coniferous forest, Hotel Divčibare is located in the heart of a climate health resort and offers exceptional views of not only parts of the Maljen mountain massif and its close surroundings but of far regions of Serbia as well. Thanks to fresh and dry winds coming from the Mediterranean, Divčibare is a unique climate health resort where the human body recovers four times faster from cardiovascular, pulmonary and blood diseases. It is an interesting fact that the temperatures in the fall are higher than those in the spring, so you can enjoy the month of September and catch some more sun. Besides its pleasant ambient, the hotel’s amenities include relax club with a spa and fitness zone, athletic courts and a hiking trail, which leads to the highest mountain peak at an altitude of 1095 meters.
Registration is 25 000 dinars. Early registration is by June 30, 2019 at a discounted rate of 21 000 dinars
Registration fee includes:
- Full participation in the School’s professional program, materials and Participation Certificate.
- 4 full boards in a double room in Hotel Divčibare with complimentary use of spa and recreational facilities.
- Welcome drinks, coffee breaks.
Additional fee for organized transportation from Belgrade to Divčibare and back is 1500 dinars.
Additional fee for Gala Dinner is 650 dinars.
Additional fee for a single room is 2000 dinars (4 x 500 dinars).
How to register?
Fill out and send the forms HERE.
Your registration is valid upon payment of the first portion of registration fee in the amount of 7500 dinars. For additional information about the School and payment methods email letnja.skola.2019@pss.org.rs or call 0640188186.
The Summer School of Psychoanalysis is accredited for medical providers by the Health Council of Serbia under the accreditation no. A-1-1162/19 and carries 6 credits for participants and 12 credits for lecturers.
Who is this School for?
- Graduates and students in the final years of humanities
- Clinical psychology and psychiatry residents
- Professionals in the fields of medicine, psychology, social work, pedagogy, preschool teachers, professionals who work with children and individuals with special needs as well as to other professions
- Those who are considering some type of training in the field of psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy
- All who want to gain or enrich their knowledge of psychoanalysis
Who are our lecturers?
The psychoanalysts of the Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia, members of the European Psychoanalytical Federation (EPF) and the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). IPA incorporates more than 12,000 members organized in 70 psychoanalytical societies. The Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia is one them and is as such licensed to organize and implement internationally recognized psychoanalytical training.
How do we work in our Summer School?
The work consists of lectures followed by small group discussion, case study presentation, workshops, group watching of a movie and analysis of the movie from a psychoanalytical perspective.
On personal request, individual consultations with PDS analysts will also be available.
The groups will be formed based on the previous knowledge and experience of participants.
NEW: a completely new participation experience is awaiting attendees this year!
A new format of supervised discussion groups is provided for case studies from participants’ psychotherapeutic experience. Group supervision would facilitate a broader and deeper understanding of the psychoanalytic technique, conjoining theory and practice.
Guidelines for presenters:
- Written material is made available to groups and, for confidentiality reasons, returned to the presenter at the end.
- The presentation should include essential biographic information of the client, a clear description of a psychotherapeutic setting (psychotherapeutic modality, frequency and duration of sessions, length and course of the process), and a presentation of one session.
- Presenting time is 30 minutes.
All interested in signing up with their own presentations, please email the School at letnja.skola.2019@pss.org.rs by August 18, 2019 latest.
The Psychoanalytical Society of Serbia retains the right to make changes to the Program in the event of unforeseen circumstances.